A word by our owner-operator, Martina Rowley:
My business, and I personally, support and work with local businesses, suppliers and staff or subcontractors as much as possible. Although I use some international vendors and certainly have clients outside of Canada, I love being part of my local community by shopping, hiring, socialising, as well as volunteering in my hometown and local area.
I forge close relationships within my local business networks, which means when my team and I work with Canadian clients we can recommend local vendors we already know and trust.
Below is an excerpt of my community engagement.
Food Security
Founder & coordinator of the Orangeville Urban Harvest Program (since 2018); a food rescue to harvest unpicked and excess fruits and produce from the local area, which is donated to the Orangeville Food Bank. It helps support their clients, local school breakfast programs and sometimes high school culinary programs.
Annual harvest/donations typically range from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds (mostly apples). To offer some of your harvests or to volunteer, send an email to
Member and Chair of Sustainable Orangeville, a Committee of Orangeville Town Council (since winter 2017/2018): Promoting, educating on, and implementing environmental programs in and with residents
Member of Orangeville Transit Task Force (2019): To assess and recommend to Council the best location for Orangeville’s public transit station
Member of Greening Ward 32, Toronto (2011-2016) and instigated Woodbine Park north garden and tree plantings (2011-2012)
Columnist of monthly environmental column “Green Piece” for the Orangeville Citizen newspaper (since 2018)
Columnist of environmental article for the Beach Metro Community News, Toronto, (2012-2017)
Volunteer ‘Big Sister’ mentor and advocate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin and District. Mentoring a local girl, aka ‘little sister’ (2018-2024).
9 Online Tools to organize your business, mentor workshop for Small Business Enterprise Centre Orangeville, Jan 2020
Member of Official Plan Steering Committee (2021/22). To review and recommend changes and additions to the Town’s official plan for town-wide development and infrastructure
Moderator of annual panel discussion for CFUW Orangeville events on Persons Day to celebrate women in leadership (2018 and 2022)